The Saint Étienne International Design Biennial is a unique event in the domain of design, due to the exhibitions shown as well as the diversity of its attendees. The Biennial democratizes design and makes it accessible to all kinds of audiences, proving that this creative discipline can take many forms, and is often driven by human aspects, including its uses by humans.
The Biennial is very different from a commercial fair. It is built on exhibitions, out of a strong will to promote contemporary creations. All objects, images, and services exhibited to the visitors may either question serious issues or show unexpected visions. For the first time, the 2010 Saint Étienne International Design Biennial will take over the Platine and its exhibition sites as well as its auditorium and lecture rooms. The biennial will also be present in other sites more east from the former arms factory. The H building presented for the first time in 2008 will host once again the main part of the event and its surface should double to occupy the nearby building.
The 2010 Saint Étienne International Design Biennial will take over the Platine and its exhibition sites as well as its auditorium and lecture rooms. The biennial will also be present in other sites more east from the former arms factory.
The H building presented for the first time in 2008 will host once again the main part of the event and its surface should double to occupy the nearby building.
Tuesday, November 23rd
The Cité du design organizes, in partnership with the City of Montreal, a conference on Design and mobility in the creative cities, within the framework of theXXIIIrd Entretiens Jacques Cartier on 23rd November during the Saint-Etienne International Design Biennial 2010.
This conference will get together keynote speakers such as Jaime Lerner, President of Jaime Lerner Institute (Curitiba, Brazil), Mireille Apel-Muller, Managing Director of Institut pour la Ville en Mouvement (Paris, France) and designers and creators from the Unesco creative design cities : Buenos Aires, Berlin, Kobe, Montreal, Nagoya, Shanghai, Shenzhen (appointed cities), Saint-Etienne and Seoul (candidate cities) .
It will be the opportunity of sharing innovative experiences on development of creativity and urban mobility culture in relation with our new life systems and uses.
Organized in the context of the partnership existing between Saint Étienne and Montreal since 1998, this meeting follows the 2009 conference Cities as design labs.